Documentation of Exiland Backup

Exiland Backup Professional service

This topic refers to the Exiland Backup Professional version only.

There are 2 applications in Exiland Backup Professional:

The Exiland Backup Professional service runs transparently (no interface) as a service (that means it runs as soon as Windows is started, without anyone logged).

Administration GUI can be launched from Start menu -> Programs -> Exiland Backup Professional.

To manage the service (start/stop/configure) use the upper panel in the main window.

Settings of the service

Click on the "Service settings" button to show settings.

Here you can specify settings of the Exiland Backup Professional service. Also, you can manage the service using "Start - Run", type "services.msc" and press Enter.


Specify an account to start the Exiland Backup Professional service.

NOTE! If you plan to work with the local network you need to set starting the Exiland Backup Professional service under an account that has access rights for the network (by default NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account).

Also, user account that you want to specify must have the "Log on as a service" privilege. Otherwise, the service will not start. If you don't know then specify the account then press "Save". The appropriate right will be automatically assigned.

Startup type

Select a startup type for the Exiland Backup Professional service.

To run scheduled jobs, select "Automatically".

E-mail notification

E-mail recipient will receive notification when an any error occurs in the service. It is strongly recommended that you specify the e-mail of your system administrator. Then your system administrator can forward an e-mail to developer. Test the specified settings by clicking the "Test" button.