Documentation of Exiland Backup

Step 4. Compression

Compression is supported for the following backup types: Full / Incremental / Differential

On this screen, you can select one of the following options:

  1. Do not compress (copy files "As Is")
  2. Compress to Zip
  3. Compress to 7-Zip

If you have selected (1) your source files will be copied without compression.

If you have selected (2),(3) your source files will be archived (zip, 7z).

Compression level. Select the compression level. It is recommended to select some average value. The speed of the performance of a job is affected by this parameter.

Enable encryption. This option allows you to protect your backups with your password. Password protection means the encryption of an archive. The encryption method must be selected only for Zip format (7-Zip format uses AES-256). When viewing an encrypted archive using WinZIP, 7-Zip, WinRAR, etc. the (*) character is shown beside the name of every file. Password protection increases the time of creating an archive, but it also increases the reliability.

Compression method. Only for 7-Zip format. Several compression methods are provided.

Splitting an archive into volumes. Only for Zip format. This option may be useful if you need to create a large archive and then transfer it via Internet using FTP or SFTP(SSH) protocols. If you have not chosen splitting archives, and the Zip archive is reaching 2,147 GB, then an archive will be created in Zip64 mode. Most backup programs working with Zip archives support Zip64. After the splitting of the Zip archive, file extensions will be named zip, z01, z02 ... z99.

Incompressible file types. Only for Zip format. This type of files will not be compressed. In addition, you can enumerate other types.

Check archive integrity. This option gives you the assurance that the archive was created without any errors. But this may take some time.

See also:
Step 5. Where to save backups
Step 6. Schedule
Step 7. Notification