Documentation of Exiland Backup
Step 6. Schedule
To automatically start a job you must specify a schedule.
NOTE: If the job is not scheduled, it will not run on schedule (manually only by clicking the "Run" button).
If you plan to put a job into a group, do not set a schedule because the group schedule will be used.
By default, the schedule is not defined.
To set the schedule, click "Change ..." and select Schedule Type, start date, and time.
The start time defines the frequency of performing a job per day and may be the following values:
- At a specified time (hours, minutes)
- Periodically
- On starting the PC
- On shutdown the PC (for Standard Edition only)
- On connecting a removable device (flash drives, removable HDD, etc) to a USB port
For a job to run periodically, the minimum interval is one minute. If the interval is not specified, then time will be calculated from 0:00 am to 11:59 pm.
If you have chosen "On starting the PC" note that it is recommended to set a pause before starting the job because drivers and Windows services also run when Windows starts.
IMPORTANT! To run a job on starting the PC, Exiland Backup must be started on Windows start automatically.
To run a job on connecting a removable device, you need to define the volume name, pause before the run, and how often to run. If you need to copy or transfer files from multiple pluggable flash drives (removable devices), select "< Any removable drive >" instead of a specific drive name and select Backup Type = "Full". In this case, in the settings of this job, use the <CONNECTED_DRIVE> variable to specify the path to the connected drive. For example, "<CONNECTED_DRIVE>:\Folder1". You also can have use the [CONNECTED_DRIVE] variable in the paths to the source data, in the path to the backup folder and other job settings.
- Daily: Every day, every hour from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Daily: Daily: Every 2nd day, every 10 minutes from 8:00 am to 10:00 am and on starting the PC
- Weekly: Every week, Monday - Thursday at 5:00 pm, Friday at 4:00 pm
- Weekly: Every week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at 5:00 pm and on connecting a removable device
- Monthly: 1st and 15th day of each month at 0:00 am
- Monthly: 15th and last day of each month at 3:00 pm and on starting the PC
Schedule for full and incremental (differential) backups
You can set different times (schedule) for full and incremental (differential) backups. For example, full backups will be created only on Sunday at 10:00, and incremental backups will be created every day (every hour). To do this, you must set up a separate schedule for creating full backups and a separate schedule for creating incremental backups.
Calculation timetable of the schedule
The timetable is the table containing the time of the start of each job. If the job schedule is set, the program automatically calculates the timetable according to the specified schedule. The tab "Start time" shows the calculated timetable for the selected job/group.
The next calculation is carried out automatically.
Expired Jobs
If the job was not run in time (PC was out-of-work or the program was not running) then the job expires. You can select what to do with the expired job.