Documentation of Exiland Backup
Job queue
Common information
The Exiland Backup has a jobs queue.
All jobs are put into the queue first. Then, they perform according to the order number in the queue.
The frequency of checking the queue is every second. After a job has been put in the queue and the queue is empty, then this job starts and is removed from the queue. After a job has been put in the queue and the queue is not empty, then this job will wait.
Queue Management
Click the "Queue" button to show the "Queue" dialog.
Queue management allows you to do the following:
- view the current jobs list in the queue
- change the order of the jobs in the queue (arrows up-down)
- delete any jobs from the queue
- Cancel the currently running job
- Cancel the all jobs (cancel the current job and remove all jobs from the queue)
To add a job to the queue you must click the "Run" button in the main window.